Colors & Typography

teezer app color
teezer app font


Once the idea of this app was pitched by the client to our team, we started working on it, using our own personal experience at making successful practical jokes. Learning from several people’s personal experience at pranks involving shock (not electric) and humour, we decided to design an app that will blast people’s mind away.

Teezr app Strategy


Practical jokes are known to be the life and soul of anyone’s life. We, at Space-O, enjoy some pranks ourselves. Knowing that, we accepted a challenge that was given to us by our client, who came up with the idea of an app, using which, one can send pictures and messages. What is so teasing or funny about that? Follow our journey, through the creation of this app, to know more.

Teezr app Concept

Brand Icons

The kind of messages one can send with the Teezr app are as effective as the pictures. All you have to do is; write a message, click on the words you want to hide and send it over. Only when the timer reaches zero do the missing words appear. Keep them waiting and anxious. Tease away.

Teezr App for Work

Teezr App Screens

Having loved the app, the client left with a well-designed and fully functional app. As a goodbye gift they send an uncensored picture, using Teezr, to the Space-O team. To say it in a subtle manner, our team still feels teased.

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Appreciation from Clients